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  • 2007 Ford Escape

    Ford Escape
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found; Vehicle drove well. – Inspected for dash/warning lights, found; None related. – Scanned computer control modules & found; No codes – Inspected & found; Under dash board on driverside and saw water drips on carpet close to firewall. Inspected under the dash with flash light and could see areas that show trails of water coming down along firewall. Also saw some firewall foam insulation had water drops on it. Suspect lower section of glue on windshield may not be adhering properly. Possible issue related to prior body damage at windshield area that caused seal to fail or faulty sealant. – Determined / Suspects; Water seepage happening at base of windshield area. – Recommends; Take to body shop or glass shop for evaluation. **Further Damage Possible** – Customer called back in, noted they had talked to a glass shop who stated there is an issue with cowling/plastic cover on this model of vehicle and recommended they take to the dealer related to this issue. – Hannah contacted body shop and inquired if they had seen similar issues. They noted they had not but found per google search and issues found on other cars, that some had this issue related to cowling drains being plugged. Recommended we verify cowling drain plugs were clear. – To aid in drying out water to prevent further damage technician suggests leaving doors on vehicle open with large box style fans running in and through front seat are to help dry out. Will need to block off door latch or disconnect battery to prevent battery from dying. This was done overnight on 1/8/25 and fans left on again over weekend, in shop. – Technician blew out all debris from area around cowling drain plug. Tested top of cowling drain plug for debris/clogging and found no obvious signs of drains being clogged. Poured one full large cup of water at each cowling drain plug area by windshield and found water poured straight down onto ground outside of vehicle, by wheel as it should. Found none of this water entered the vehicle. – Suspect issue is with windshield or body issues. – Recommend taking to windshield and/or body shop related to this water seepage issue. Also recommend parking where there will be no water infiltration until repairs have been made and also inserting dehumidifier products and continuing to run fans until interior is fully dry.
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service is/was due at 119,126 miles. – Engine oil level & condition; Full. Good. – Front brake pads at approximately; 6mm. Front brake components have no visible lubrication present. Recommend replacing front brake pads and rotors and adding proper lubrication. ** Lack of lubrication can cause further damage and be a safety concern. – Rear brake pads at approximately; 10mm. Rear brake components have no visible lubrication present. Recommend removing components and adding lubrication as these components are fairly new. **Lack of lubrication can cause further damage and be a safety concern. – Inspected for dash/warning lights, found; Maintenance due light on. – Scanned computer control module and found; No codes. – Engine air filter charred black / L3. Recommend replacing air filter. – Both inner tie rod ends in steering rack have too much play / L3 – L4. Recommend replacing all inner and outer tie rod ends then sending out for necessary alignment. ***Safety and Further Damage Concern***
    • Technician removed air filter, cleaned out housing. Installed new air filter. Test drove. Verified repair.
    • Technician removed front wheels, unbolted calipers, cleaned, lubricated, and reinstalled caliper pins. Removed and replaced front brake pads and rotors, with lubricated backing plates. Reassembled all components. Reinstalled all wheels, torqued all lug nuts. Road tested. Verified repair.
    • Technician removed both rear wheels, brake calipers, lubed backing plates and sliding surfaces
    Michael F. gave our service a 5 star review on 1/14/2025
  • 2017 Ford F-150

    Ford F-150
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • continued; On upper fuel rail swapped injectors for cylinder #2 and #3 but no change to misfire. TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found; Performed short test drive due to issue. Felt running rough like misfire / L4. – Inspected for dash/warning lights, found; Check engine light on. – Scanned computer control modules & found codes; **P0302 cylinder #2 misfire **P0316 misfire detected on start up – Inspected & found; Monitored misfire via scan tool, could see active misfire on cylinder #2. Inspected and found spark plugs appear fairly new. Switched coils on cylinder #2 and cylinder #5, monitored misfire activity via scan tool and found misfire moved to cylinder #5 indicating bad ignition coil. **Note: Left faulty coil on cylinder #5. – Determined / Suspect; Faulty ignition coil/coils. – Recommends; Replacing all 6 ignition coils. If throttle body and fuel injections services have not been performed with recent change of spark plugs then also recommend performing throttle body and fuel injection services. ***FURTHER DAMAGE***
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service is/was due at 113,008 miles. – Engine oil level & condition; Full. Good. – Front brake pads at approximately; 9mm. – Rear brake pads at approximately; 8mm. Rotors have hot ring / L2. – Inspected for dash/warning lights, found; Check engine light on & Traction off. – Found turbo boost blow off valve tube disconnected. Reconnected and verified holding. – Lower engine oil pan leaking engine oil / L3 – L4. Note: Oil pan is plastic. Recommend replacing oil pan.
    Jake B. gave our service a 5 star review on 1/2/2025
  • 2010 Ford Escape

    Ford Escape
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • Technician performed engine tune-up. Removed intake manifold to gain access, removed and replaced all spark plugs. Reassembled with installation of new plenum gasket set. Removed air box and intake tube to gain access to the throttle body, thoroughly cleaned throttle body. Reassembled all components. Added fuel injection concentrate to the fuel system. Ran engine and cycled cleaner through the fuel system. Test drove. Verified repair.
    • Technician removed front right wheel, alternator belt, harmonic balancer to gain access. Reassembled all components with installation of new crankshaft seal, serpentine belt tensioner, and serpentine (alternator) belt. Cleaned affected area. Test drove. Verified repair.
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service is/was due at 77,623 miles. – Engine oil level & condition; Full. Light brown. – Front brake pads at approximately; 8mm. – Rear brakes = Drum and are not visible for inspection. – Front crank seal leaking engine oil / L2. Recommend replacing front crankseal. – Scanned computer control module and found; No codes.
    Tyler D. gave our service a 5 star review on 10/7/2024
  • 2010 Ford Escape

    Ford Escape
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found; At first vehicle drove well. Both in hybrid mode and gas motor mode. Once vehicle hits operating temperature it loses power, the "wrench" light comes on and vehicle goes into limp mode. – Inspected for dash/warning lights, found; "Wrench" light – Scanned computer control modules & found; **P0A7C-00 Motor electronics overtemp- Current/Active fault code. – Inspected & found; Performed fault tracing for code. Checked all fuses and connections at the temperature sensor and electric coolant pump. Vehicle has a dedicated coolant pump for the hybrid electronics. Have 12 volts and good ground. No pump action when activated. Hooked up a separate power and ground and still no pump action. Checked internal resistance and have over 5k ohms. Spec is 60-85 ohms. – Determined / Suspect; The hybrid electric coolant pump is internally faulty causing the electronics to over heat. – Recommends; Replaced the MCS ( hybrid coolant) pump and coolant. ***FURTHER DAMAGE CONCERN***
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found; Severe shimmy in steering wheel while braking, worse at high speeds / L4. Brake components do not appear to be properly lubricated / L5. – Inspected for dash/warning lights, found; None related. – Scanned computer control modules & found; No codes. – Inspected & found; **Front brake rotors have a blue tint / L3 and high and low spots = warping causing shimmy/vibrations. **Front brake pads 6mm. **Front brake components do not appear to be lubricated / L5. – Recommends; Replacing front brake pads and rotors. ***SAFETY CONCERN***
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – No LOF sticker found. – Engine oil level & condition; Full. Dark / L3 = Due. Recommend performing engine oil service. – Front brake pads at approximately; See diagnostics. – Rear brake = Drum. Not visible for inspection. – Brake fluid dark / L2 – L3 = Due. Will likely be due at next oil service interval. – Transmission service dark / L3 = Due. Recommend performing transmission service. – Front shocks leaking oil / L3. Worn and fail jounce test / L3 – L4. Recommend replacing both front struts. ***Possible Safety and Further Damage Concern*** – Snow tires on vehicle. Recommend taking to tire shop and having snow tires exchanged for non winter tires. **Possible Safety Concern** Note; Tire tread is approximately 5/32, minimum spec is 3/32. – Inspected spark plug due to mileage and found spark plug appeared to be in good condition. – See age/mileage disclaimer. Vehicle has 200,910 miles on it. – Note: Transmission in this vehicle have some known failure issues. Recommend driving lightly, performing transmission services and if any transmission concerns arise recommend having diagnostics performed right away.
    • Technician removed lower engine cover to gain access. Drained coolant. Removed and replaced mcs hybrid coolant pump. Reassembled all components. Vacuum filled cooling system. Activated pump to finish bleed sequence. Cleared codes. Test drove. Verified repair. Verified code did not return.
    • Technician performed oil service: Drained engine oil, installed new oil filter and filled with premium engine oil. Cleaned affected area. Performed courtesy vehicle inspection. Road tested. Verified service. No leaks. Installed next lof reminder sticker in window. Reset service reminder if applicable.
    • Technician performed transmission service and inspection: – Drained transmission fluid. – Inspected transmission fluid condition, found; Fluid dark and due. No concerning debris found. – Filled with synthetic transmission fluid. Inspected for leaks. Road tested vehicle. Verified service. – Recommends; Performing transmission services approximately every 30,000 miles.
    Joe N. gave our service a 5 star review on 10/2/2024
  • 2013 Ford Focus

    Ford Focus
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found; Vehicle drove well, shifted well. Brakes function well, no vibrations or noises. No concerns found during test drive. – Inspected for dash/warning lights, found; None. – Scanned computer control modules & found; No codes.
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service is/was due at 92,665 miles. – Engine oil level & condition; Full, good. – Front brake pads at approximately; 5mm, 40%. Recommend watching front brake at brake pad and rotor replacement may be due soon, due at approximately 3.5-4mm. – Rear brakes = Drum brakes and are not visible for inspection. – Scanned computer control module and found; No codes. – Due to vehicle mileage checked for tuneup / spark plug needs and found; Spark plugs worn / L3 – L4 = Past due. Recommend performing engine tuneup with replacement of all spark plugs, throttle body and fuel injection services. ***Further Damage Possible*** – Checked cabin air filter and found; Full of debris / L3 – L4. Recommend replacing cabin air filter. ***Further Damage Possible*** – Battery terminals corroded / L3. Recommend performing terminal /cable service. ***Further Damage Possible*** – Fluids inspected and found to be in good condition. – Belts inspected and found to be in good condition. – No leaks found. – Suspension components found to be in good condition. – Found vehicle is equipped with a timing chain, no abnormal noises or leaks found in the area. – Found spare tire was flat. Technician inflated spare tire to spec. Recommend having tire shop inspect for any leaks. – Front and rear tire tread approximately 5/32. Note: Minimum spec is 3/32. DOT code: 4716 indicating tires are approximately 8 years old and may be at end of life. Recommend taking to tire shop for inspection related to age of tires. ***Possible Safety Concern***
    • Technician performed engine tune-up. Removed and replaced all spark plugs. Removed air box and intake tube to gain access to the throttle body, thoroughly cleaned throttle body. Reassembled all components. Added fuel injection concentrate to the fuel system. Ran engine and cycled cleaner through the fuel system. Test drove. Verified repair.
    • Technician removed battery terminals, applied battery terminal cleaner with anti-corrosion protectant, scrubbed terminals, dried all components. Reinstalled terminals to battery. Test drove. Verified repair.
    • Technician removed cover. Removed and replaced cabin air filter. Reassembled all components. Test drove. Verified repair.
    Damian W. gave our service a 5 star review on 9/23/2024
  • 2019 Ford F-150

    Ford F-150
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found; Vehicle drove well. Shifted well, drove straight. No vibrations with braking found. No dash lights.
    • Technician Inspected and found; – AIR CLEANER ELEMENT – REPLACE: Inspected and found dirty / L3. Recommend replacing engine air filter. – CABIN AIR FILTER – REPLACE: Inspected and found it appears fairly new. No recommendation to replace it at this time.
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service is/was due at 59,199 miles. – Engine oil level & condition; Full. Good. – Front brake pads at approximately; 8mm. – Rear brake pads at approximately; 3mm, 20% = Below minimum spec. Rear rotors dished and have lip / L3. Recommend replacing rear brake pads and rotors. ***SAFETY CONCERN*** – Scanned computer control module and found; No codes. – Spark plugs show due for replacement at 100K. Inspected and found light wear on spark plug / L1 = Not due.
    • Technician gained access to air filter. Removed and replaced filter. Reassembled components and road tested vehicle. Verified repair.
    • Technician put brake calipers into service mode via scan tool. Removed rear wheels, unbolted calipers, cleaned, lubricated, and re installed caliper pins. Removed and replaced rear brake pads and rotors. Adjusted parking brake shoes. Reassembled all components. Re installed all wheels, torqued all lug nuts. Road tested. Verified repair.
    Michael A. gave our service a 5 star review on 4/19/2024
  • 2006 Ford Pickup

    Ford Pickup
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found; Engine had misfire at start up and at light throttle / L2-L3. – Scanned computer control modules & found; No codes. – Inspected & found; Misfire data history showed cylinder #1 misfiring and cylinder #2 misfiring. Removed spark plug on cylinder #2 and found spark plug missing side electrode / L5. Removed cylinder #1, #5 and #7 spark plus, found these spark plugs also had missing side electrode / L5. Performed compression check on cylinder #2 and passed testing. Inspected valves on cylinder #1 and cylinder #2 with boroscope and found no mechanical damage to valves, pistons, or cylinder walls. – Note: Tuneup with spark plug replacement was performed at 132,497 miles on 9/27/22, RO#28624, approximately 4,238 miles ago. – Determined / Suspect; Faulty spark plugs. – Recommends; Replacing all 8 spark plugs under warranty.
    • Technician performed oil service: drained engine oil, replaced filter and filled with premium engine oil. Inspected all belts, hoses, brakes and tire tread. Adjusted tire pressures. Road tested. Verified service. No leaks.
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service is/was due at 135,497 miles. By sticker vehicle is approximately 1,238 miles past due for oil service. Oil service being performed today per appointment request. – Engine oil level & condition; Full. Brown / L3 = Due prior to service. – Front brake pads at approximately; 5mm. – Rear brake pads at approximately; 8mm. – Scanned computer control module and found; No codes.
    • Technician removed and replaced all 8 spark plugs. Found 4 of 8 spark plugs missing side electrode. Spark plugs with missing electrodes found on cylinders; 1,2, 5 & 7. Found Metal on spark plugs was dark brown/black and carbon fouled / L3. Porcelain in good condition, no cracks. Found coil boots in good condition. Found on spark plugs not missing side electrode, normal wear for mileage, with carbon build up / L1-L2. Test drove. Verified repair. Engine started and ran very well. No codes. No further misfires found. ** Recommend returning in 1,000 miles for inspection of spark plugs.
    Elias K. gave our service a 5 star review on 2/14/2024
  • 2018 Ford Escape

    Ford Escape
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN: – Test drove vehicle, inspected transmission operation & found; Torque converter going in and out of lockup which causes it to speed up and slow down on its own. Flare with slight bang form 2nd to 3rd. Rpms going up and down. No abnormal noises heard during test drive with acceleration. – Scanned computer control modules & found code; **P2701-00 for transmission friction element "B" apply time range performance – Inspected transmission fluid level & condition, found; Dark black with burnt smell / L4. – Inspected exterior of transmission for leaks & damage, found; No external leaks or damage found. – Put vehicle in air on lift with helper ran vehicle in air. Heard a rattling type noises coming from the left side of the transmission / L2. – Inspected and found; Torque converter going in and out of lock up when it should not which indicates lack of proper fluid/pressure. Transmission code indicates internal failure as element B is referring to an internal transmission clutch. Apply time noted in code indicates clutch is not applying properly likely due to improper fluid pressure. Transmission fluid burnt indicates severe internal transmission failure. – Determined / Suspects; Internal transmission failure, suspect direct drum and/or torque converter. – Recommends; Replacing transmission assembly. Will need to retest for noise after transmission replacement, suspect noise is happening due to transmission failure. *** Possible Safety Concern – Do not recommend driving until repairs have been made***
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service is/was due at 55,102 miles. – Engine oil level & condition; Full. Light Brown / L1 = Not due. – Front brake pads at approximately; 6mm. – Rear brake pads at approximately; 6mm. – Scanned computer control module and found; See diagnostic details. – Coolant level slightly low, approximately 1 cup. No leaks found. Recommend topping off coolant. (Note; Transmission replacement will require adjusting coolant level so this should be fixed with transmission replacement.)
    Isabel B. gave our service a 5 star review on 2/11/2024
  • 2011 Ford Pickup

    Ford Pickup
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found 4×4 was working fine, tested on lift and found 4×4 working properly. – Scanned computer control modules & found P1867 for worn contact plate in 4×4 shift motor (possibly a history code from before work was performed). Cleared code and test drove vehicle, and tested 4×4 operation. Again found 4×4 operating as designed and found the code did not return. Inspected all connectors and found all appear to be in good condition. Verified 4 low working fine, 4 high working fine and 2WD working fine. – Recommends driving vehicle and returning for diagnostic if issue persists.
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & verified back up camera is not operating. Found display says no signal from backup camera. – Scanned computer control modules & found no codes that relate to this issue. – SEE DIAGNOSTIC RELATED TO TRANSMISSION
    • TECHNICIAN – Scanned computer control modules & found codes; * P2098 for post cat fuel trim system lean B2. * P2272 for 02 sensor signal stuck lean B2 – Recommends starting with replacing the Bank 2 sensor 2 02 Sensor. Then retesting.
    • TECHNICIAN: – Test drove vehicle, inspected transmission operation & found the transmission operated as designed. No concerns detected. – Scanned computer control modules & found no transmission related codes. – Inspected transmission fluid level & condition, found fluid is dark red in color/ L3. Fluid is full. – Inspected exterior of transmission for leaks & damage, found no damage or leaks at this time. – Inspected transmission operation and found transmission and 4wd working as designed at this time. Found that the 4wd encoder motor and the back up camera share the same fuse. Inspected both wiring harness and components. Found the fuse was good. Inspected further and found no reverse lights. Fault traced circuit and found 4 blown fuses. Two in under hood fuse block and one on body control module. One behind left rear taillight. Three are for reverse light circuit. One fuse was a battery fuse. Replaced all fuses and still no reverse camera. Scanned all modules and buses. Found the LIN Bus is down and will not communicate. The camera travels across the LIN Bus and communicates with the FDIM module. Inspected wiring around camera. No obvious damage to wires . Have intermittent reverse camera. -Determined the BUS communication issue may be related to the vehicle not performing as desired via the GWM (Gateway) module and the LIN BUS being down. – Recommend having a transmission service performed due to dark color of fluid. -Recommend taking to Ford Dealership and having them diagnose further and repair. ***POSSIBLE SAFETY CONCERN***
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service due at 159,112 miles. – Engine oil level & condition, found full and clean. – Front brake pads at approximately 60%. – Rear brake pads at approximately 70%. – Scanned computer control module – see diagnostic details. – (Previous) Tires are cupping /L2. Front tire tread is 8/32 and rear tire tread is 6/32. Recommend rotating tires.
    Don M. gave our service a 5 star review on 8/19/2022
  • 2016 Ford F-150

    Ford F-150
    Service Date
    Services Performed
    • TECHNICIAN – Test drove vehicle, inspected operation & found vehicle drove well. No warning lights on. No unusual feelings turning. Did find the front brakes make a squeaking noise while braking and a vibration is felt in steering wheel while braking at speeds above 40 MPH. – Scanned computer control modules & found no codes stored. – Inspected 4×4 system. Road tested several miles. Unable to duplicate concern. – Inspected related to squeak and vibration with braking. Found front brake pads at approximately 70%, front rotors warped / L2. -*** Called customer to clarify. He stated " driving under 30 mph and turning, can feel binding in steering wheel and pulsing in brake pedal". Stated they never put vehicle in 4×4 so the problem is not related to 4×4 engagement. – Road tested further in the manner outlined by customer and still unable to duplicate concern. – Inspect 4×4 operation and verified working in all ranges. Also verified disengaging into 2wd. Checked "IWE" system for vacuum leaks, none found. The IWE system is operating properly at this time. – Recommends taking consulting with other suspension specialty shop of specialty truck shop for further diagnosis if issue persists. Possibly; Suspension Specialties or Northgate . -Also recommend replacing front brakes to resolve squeaking noise with braking and vibration with braking due to warped front brakes.
    • TECHNICIAN INSPECTED AND FOUND: – LOF sticker shows next oil service due at 90,398 miles. – Engine oil level & condition full and clean. – Front brake pads at approximately 70%. – Rear brake pads at approximately 60%. – Due to vehicle mileage attempted to checked for tuneup / spark plug needs, found spark plugs are difficult to access. -Front brake rotors are warped and have hot spots, also noisy at times while braking and have vibration at times / L2. Recommend replacing front brake pads and rotors to resolve this issue.
    Clayton H. gave our service a 5 star review on 6/15/2022